Sunday, April 11, 2010

T4T3 - The First Teapot Template

Today’s achievement is I’ve made my first teapot template, and started to test it. Since my commitment last week to making one teapot template per month, I’ve done some thinking, and scribbling, reworking and testing and the result is the first template in the teapot collection – which you can now download from the template section of my website at: The first block is called modern twist because it’s inspired by a chrome and black teapot, and I like its largely traditional shape, but with a modern twist of being sleeker and shinier.

I’m going to do a couple of test pieces with this template before I decide the best method to make it with. The first option I’m trying is the ‘stick and stitch’ method using adhesive backing to attach the pieces to the background, and then sewing around the shapes. I think I’ll also try freezer paper to see how the results differ.

I’m also doing two variations of fabric on the first test pieces as well (as shown in the photos below). I want to figure out whether the teapots work better as one continuous piece of fabric or as a combination of fabrics.

From the cutting and pasting I’ve done this afternoon, I think I prefer the combination, but I’ll wait to see what it’s like once its been stitched.
That’s all for now, and happy stitching.

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