Monday, April 5, 2010

T4T2 - Applique Designs

Well I’ve just decided to set myself the challenge of designing and making one teapot block per month this year – call it a late new years resolution if you like. This will keep my Time for Tea quilt progressing, and leave me some time for other projects too.

As I’m designing this quilt from scratch, I’m starting with pictures of tea pots like those shown here, and then turning these into appliqué patterns. The idea is that I’ll end up with 12-15 designs as key components for this quilt, and I can work on refining the centre panel design as I go as well (further info on that to follow in an upcoming post). I’m also going to try designing the blocks with my basic computer software to see how I go, and so that I can share these blocks with you as well (and you’ll be able to download the patterns from my website We can see how many potty quilts we can make together, and maybe we’ll have another quilt designed by Christmas.

I’ve included some pictures of tea pots here for inspiration, and if you have pictures of great tea pots, please email them to me at – your favourite pot may just become part of the design!

Happy stitching,

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