Sunday, February 22, 2009

I'd Rather Be Flying (IRBF) - Inspriation

While travelling on holiday last year, I picked up a printed panel of an airport in a shop near Harden NSW. The panel has now inspired a collection of aviation fabrics and notions. I’ve got some initial ideas on how to combine these, but am busy with other projects and deciding on the style I want for this aviation theme quilt “I’d Rather Be Flying”.

You’ll notice in the photos that I have the fabrics pinned to a ‘design wall’. While this sounds fancy, all it is, is some heavy duty cardboard (about 1m x 1.2m) with thin wadding staple-gunned onto it. I’ve added a rod on the back that’s hanging on a couple of picture hooks. It’s a pretty simple, hide-able arrangement. At the moment mine stays on the wall because I have space but it’s previously lived behind desks and only been pulled out when I needed it. I find this a very useful addition to my collection – it’s saved me lots of sewing things together that wouldn’t have ended up looking right. So when you read in a book or magazine or elsewhere on the web about the virtues of a design wall, you’ll know it needn’t be as fancy as it sounds, but that it’s a handy bit of kit to have/make.

I’ll continue musing, but in the meantime you can help me and others who may have purchased these panels by providing us with some inspiration… post a comment or email your ideas on what the quilt could be like or a story you’d like to share. You never know, it might just be the missing link!

PS: The cockpit instrument panel is a separate printed panel I picked up somewhere else - it just aligns nicely with the runway on the airport panel.


  1. That's really clever - combining the instrument panel and the runway... cool!


  2. It's not just George who wants some attention - I'm really looking forward to watching this one grow into a king sized quilt... or maybe just a quilt that's getting attention!
