Monday, February 16, 2009

Fantasy Garden (FG1) - An experiment

Quilting seems to have been a sociable craft from it’s early days, and although I learned to quilt from friends, I’d never worked on a project with other people before. That’s all over now….Recently, inspired by an article in a magazine, some funky fabric in my stash, the desire to get my Mum back into sewing, and learn more about appliqué, Mum and I embarked on a project together.

The quilt is called ‘Fantasy Garden’ and has a pieced background, with the remainder of the design appliquéd on using the ‘stick it on’ and the freezer paper method. We’ve chosen bright fabrics because that’s what we like and it will brighten up a dark corner in the house.

I’ve told the first chapter of the story in pictures for you (below) and we’ll share the fun with you as we go. From piles of fabric to having the flowers stuck on the background took a support crew, a lot of tea, and about 3 days work. I suspect we’ll get better at this as we go along, but it’s fun to share the creative challenge with someone else.

Have you done a project like this? You could tell us about it with a comment by clicking on the link below. We’d love to hear your stories!


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