Monday, March 14, 2011

LizQ4 - Ta da it's finished!

Ok, so I did finish the Liz Quilt around Christmas time so I thought I’d better do an update to share what I learned. As you may recall this was an experimental quilt where I made it up as I went along. My theme song became “what the heck, give it a try, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work”. It was surprising how liberating this was – my usual procrastination over colours and shapes and quilting disappeared and I just got it done.

I think my favourite part of this quilt is the border/bindinh with ric-rac on the outside. I think the idea from this came from a similar set of shapes in my ‘Life’s Rich Tapestry’ quilt where I interrupted a border with a curvey bias strip. For the Liz Q, I was just trying every crazy idea I could think of so continued the theme all the way to the edge of the quilt…What seems to make it effective is the contrast of shapes it brings to the traditional multiple borders finish to the quilt.

Anyway, I’ll put instructions for the cute ric-rac border onto the website so you can replicate it. Great for a fun quilt whether its for a kid or someone like me who’s never grown up :-).


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