Monday, June 14, 2010

LizQ2 – Fun with Piecing

I'm having a fun weekend, switching between building outdoor tables from recycled wood in the garage, to piecing the Liz Quilt inside. The LizQ is proving good fun, as for once I don't have strong concept of what I want the finished product to look like, so I'm just adding a section at a time and making it up as I go along. Yesterday that included managing to put two strips on upside down, unpicking the seams, and resewing them, but I was in a good mood, and Mr Mark was sharing the sewing room with me so that made it alright.

Today I've added a thin blue border to the top and bottom of the centre panel, and then I'm adding a thicker patterned border to that. The patterned border needed some tricky joining of the patterns, which I fiddled with on the first section for an hour or more to get it not quite right… then went I to do the second section I thought, oh, why didn't I just do it this way – and had it done in a quarter of the time. Needless to say the iron, stick and sew method I used the second time proved much easier and gave a far superior result, so I'll put the instructions for how to do this on the techniques section of my website so that you and I can both do this the fun and easy way next time around.

Back to do some more quilting and sawing.


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