Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Moving - now at http://bertcollections.wordpress.com/


Just a short note to let you know that I've moved my blog to: http://bertcollections.wordpress.com/.

You'll find all the old posts and a bunch of new ones at the wordpress site.

See you there.


Monday, March 14, 2011

LizQ4 - Ta da it's finished!

Ok, so I did finish the Liz Quilt around Christmas time so I thought I’d better do an update to share what I learned. As you may recall this was an experimental quilt where I made it up as I went along. My theme song became “what the heck, give it a try, it doesn’t matter if it doesn’t work”. It was surprising how liberating this was – my usual procrastination over colours and shapes and quilting disappeared and I just got it done.

I think my favourite part of this quilt is the border/bindinh with ric-rac on the outside. I think the idea from this came from a similar set of shapes in my ‘Life’s Rich Tapestry’ quilt where I interrupted a border with a curvey bias strip. For the Liz Q, I was just trying every crazy idea I could think of so continued the theme all the way to the edge of the quilt…What seems to make it effective is the contrast of shapes it brings to the traditional multiple borders finish to the quilt.

Anyway, I’ll put instructions for the cute ric-rac border onto the website so you can replicate it. Great for a fun quilt whether its for a kid or someone like me who’s never grown up :-).


Lessons - Learning from Deb Louie

Here's a post I'd drafted but hadn't published...

I’d had a hectic couple of months leading up to July last year so I decided to take a couple of days off work and do a quilting course with Deb Louie. I’d be fun, I’d refine my quilting skills and it wouldn’t be too demanding. I turned out to be right on the first that I learned a lot but it was very full on so by the time I finished the course I felt I’d learned a lot but I was buggered :-).

While I’ve done some free-motion quilting in the past and I enjoy it, I’ve used it a lot less than I usually plan because I tend to make large quilts and I have found I end up feeling like I am fighting with my creation rather than making a thing of joy and beauty. I’m hoping this will change now as what I’ve learned from Deb is a simple and systematic way to quilt all over the quilt without having to struggle with it too much. That’s the plan, we’ll see how it works out on my next couple of quilts, but I think I should be pleasantly surprised with the results.

You can find out more about Deb Louie and her quilting classes at http://deblouie.blogspot.com/. While Deb’s style can be a little gruff, she is very knowledgable and experienced, and runs a well planned and organized course.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

QFO 1 - Japanese-y

This weekend’s been great for relaxing and getting some sewing done. I was travelling all week this week and was feeling tired... I was ready for a straight-forward job so I’ve finished my QFO job in time for the Canberra Quilter’s meeting this week.

My QFO job was to do the next step on a quilt. This sort of project is a bit different. The quilt has been pieced by one person, sandwiched and pinned by another and now quilted by me. What’s fun about this is it’s a quilting challenge as the quilt is different to one I’d make, I don’t know what errors were made in putting the pieces together , and I haven’t been thinking about how I might quilt it for months ;-)

I’m happy now as I’ve got the quilting step done this weekend. I’ll now return the quilt for the binding to be added by a fourth Canberra Quilters quilting buddy before the project is passed on to someone in need in the community. I’ve got some quilting practice in and we’ll all feel good. :-)



PS: Life got extra busy again in the second half of 2010, so I’m just getting back to my sewing and my blog. Lots of projects in the pipeline though…more news next time…